We're honored to have Nadine Rose Larter, author of Coffee at Little Angels here today.
Nadine, how long did it take you from idea to
publishing your novel?
Way too long!
I thought of the idea about halfway through 2006, started working on it
properly in 2007 and only finished it this year (2011). I hope the next one goes a
little smoother. I don’t plan on getting divorced or pregnant for a while
though so I think I can count on taking about a year with my current book.
Are you a plotter or pantser?
I’m a
complete pantser. When I started writing fiction I tried to plot out as much
detail as I could. But it was too much. The writer in me wasn’t interested in
working from outlines or following formulas. Basically I start with a vague
idea and let the story write itself. Sometimes it works.
What are you writing now or have
I’m currently
working on a novel called The Tequila
Thursday Writing Club. It’s about a man with writer’s block whose best
friend tricks him into teaching a writing class in his living room.
Good luck with your next novel! I always find it interesting to learn
what other authors are reading. If you could recommend a book—not your own—what
book would that be?
Tony Parson’s
One For My Baby or Nick Hornby’s How to be Good. I wish I was responsible
for writing those two books!
Thank you, Nadine!
I have always been a writer. I started writing
poems and short stories when I was little, and I have intermittently kept diaries
since I was about nine years old. In the last two years I have started taking
my writing more seriously and have made the decision to become a full-time
author. I have no formal education, aside from a year of Literature and
Creative Writing study, but I am constantly trying to grow as a writer.
Sometimes being a wife and mom makes fitting it all in a little tough but I am
learning how to juggle it all slowly.
I chose to self publish simply because it
feels like taking my future into my own hands and running with it. There are no
excuses when it is just you. The self-accountability can be thrilling
sometimes. Being ready and then actually being able to move forward instead of
waiting to hear from publishers has been a special kind of blessing. I am not
closed to the idea of having a publisher, I am just ready to go on without one
for now.
I write regularly on these four websites:
Passing the Open Windows
The Katalina Playroom
The Poetry Project
The Writers Club
You can follow me on twitter (@Nayes1982)
Or say hi on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/nayes)