Series: Dominic Grey #3
Author: Layton Green
Publisher: Thomas and Mercer (June 4, 2013)
Genre: Thriller
Format Read: Ebook ARC
Length: Novel
Source: Publisher
The third book in the Dominic Grey series of thrillers, after The Summoner and The Egyptian. The bizarre murder of a Satanic priest in San Francisco draws Dominic Grey and Viktor Radek, private investigators of cults, to the scene. Witnesses claim a robed figure, seemingly able to appear and disappear at will, set fire to the priest. When the leader of another Satanic cult in Paris dies under similar circumstances, the case only grows stranger and more dangerous. Convinced that a charismatic New Age prophet is behind the murders, the investigators undergo a perilous journey into the world of the occult as they try to penetrate the prophet’s inner circle. From the catacombs of Paris to London’s nefarious East End, from the haunted walls of York to a monastic fortress in the Sicilian wilderness, the case plunges Viktor and Grey into a vortex of black magic, ancient heresies, and the dark corners of their own pasts.
Teasers: Grey’s own shihan had insisted that respect came before all else; no one should learn how to harm another human being before learning how to value one. [4% Ebook ARC. Such a true statement.]
“I imagine God’s a hard guy to figure out,” Grey said. [9% Ebook ARC. Yeah, God probably is. This teaser made me smile and nod.]
“What is there to fear except a life unlived?” [23% Ebook ARC. I love these philosophical teasers.]
“Once something is written it becomes a truth of its own, a self-contained, immutable work presented to the eyes of the reader without inflection, to interpret as you will.” [27% Ebook ARC. Something we who write should remember.]
Lovely men, these pillars of society. [39% Ebook ARC. Read the book and you'll see the lovely sarcasm here.]
An array of potted herbs sat in the windowsills, warding off everything from halitosis to leprechauns. [47% Ebook ARC. This teaser made me chuckle.]
To Grey, anyone who saw the world in black-and-white wasn’t taking a hard enough look. [56% Ebook ARC. Such a true statement!]
He asked for the check, acutely aware that his options were melting away like gelato in the midday sun. [71% Ebook ARC. I just loved the description here.]
Review: The powers of evil may prove too
much for Dominic Grey and Viktor Radek in The
Diabolist by Layton Green.
The third book in the Dominic Grey
series, The Diabolist brings forth a devious
yet charismatic villain from Viktor’s past. The storyline weaves an
introspective and philosophical look between good and evil. Dominic and Viktor
traverse the world in search for clues and have their work cut out for them
this time. The reader learns more about Viktor’s past and his on-going quest
for truth. Viktor is a character who wants to believe, yet he has trouble to do
so, even when he sees things for himself. Dominic struggles to protect his
friend while avoiding capture from the organization searching to kill Viktor
and him.
The various settings add to this
well-written thriller. I enjoyed how Dominic and Viktor traveled between New
York, San Francisco, Paris, London, and more. The research involved within this
novel paid off, and I love how Green brings to life the occult and fringe
religions. Although this book wasn’t as fast-paced and action-packed as the
previous two, the threat facing Viktor and Dominic felt very real.
Layton Green’s The Diabolist chills with its devilish villains and introspective
plotline. I recommend Green’s Dominic Grey series.

Four Bookworms = I really liked it!
Other Books in the Series:

Click here to read my review.

Click here to read my review.