Author: Ellie Garratt
Publication Date: March 11, 2013
Genre: Horror
Format Read: Ebook
Length: Short Stories
Source: Purchased
Nine dark fiction stories that may just give you nightmares.
A man lives to regret Passing Time. A father will do anything to save his son in Expiration Date. An author finds out her worst nightmare is back in The Devil’s Song. A woman gets more than the claim fee when she takes out vampire insurance in Luna Black.
In Dining in Hell, the Death Valley Diner becomes the wrong place to stop.
A serial killer wants to add another file to his collection in The Vegas Screamer. In Eating Mr. Bone, an undertaker could meet an unfortunate end. A con man meets his first ghost in Land of the Free. And will truth be set free in The Letter?
The only sounds left are my beating heart, rapid breathing, and the continual chanting of the crows. [13% Ebook, story “The Devil’s Song.” Great description! Very chilling!]
He was different, and I fell in love. [17% Ebook, story “Luna Black.” Simple yet says so much about the character.]
If I couldn’t stand a woman’s company for that long, it wasn’t worth the trouble of killing her. [63% Ebook, story “The Vegas Screamer.” I have to admit I chuckled a bit at this line.]
Las Vegas had top crime scene investigators, although without fingerprints and an accurate eyewitness description, they’d never find me. [70% Ebook, story “The Vegas Screamer.” This reminded me of CSI, and I’d say they could find him, if it was like the TV show.]
Review: Ellie Garratt’s Passing Time contains tense and enjoyable horror stories.
Each short story sends a little chill down the reader’s spine and has a nice twist that is sometimes foreseen and other times not.
I enjoyed the moral of “Passing Time” in how we shouldn’t let time just pass us by. “Expiration Date” had a delightful blend of horror with science fiction. “The Devil’s Song” is a writer’s worst nightmare. “Luna Black” was perhaps my favorite story, and I loved how vampires and insurance featured in it. “Dining in Hell” seemed like a story that could come right out of a Stephen King novel. “The Vegas Screamer” has a unique twist on a serial killer. The office can be killer in “Eating Mr. Bone.” I loved how the supernatural comes to life in “Land of the Free.” And the last story, “The Letter” reminds the reader to be very careful what they wish for.
Overall, Passing Time by Ellie Garratt is a nice collection of horror stories, and I look forward to reading more of Garratt’s work.

Five Bookworms = I loved it!