Saturday, December 25, 2010

QI by Elizabeth A. Svigar

Title: Qi
Author: Elizabeth A. Svigar

Book Blurb: Thirteen-year-old uber-archer Samantha is thrilled to qualify for Xenith, the most prestigious -- and mysterious -- Olympic training facility in the world. Much more than an athletic camp, it's a fantasyland where living dolls and the Baba Yaga abound. Plus there's Dr. Nine, a master alchemist whose magical laboratory is very well guarded indeed. But not all that glitters is Olympic gold. When dangerous secrets begin to surface, Sam must fight to expose Xenith's dark underbelly to save her friends and family...if she survives herself.

Review: Elizabeth A. Svigar's Qi is a novel of hope, soul, and self-discovery. The mystery begins when Sam and her sister Abby attend Xenith, a prestigious Olympic training facility. Although they thought their test would be in their skills of fencing and archery for Sam and fencing for Abby, the two sisters will be tested in more dangerous and fantastical ways. Sam finds her character, her strengths and weaknesses, and family she didn't know she had. Qi is perfect for lower young adult readers and adults alike. Ms. Svigar wrote a true testament to family and friends through Sam and her friends' adventures. My only critique is that the novel was too short. I wanted to savor the world and characters more.