Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Changes and Bookworm Rating Explained

It's May, and we survived the A to Z Challenge!

I have decided to make a few changes in this blog. Between here and my other blog, I was posting six to eight times a week. Since I want to amp up my writing speed, I've decided to start blogging on Mondays and Wednesdays only.

So what does that mean here?

Instead of Monday - Book Review, Tuesday - Teaser Tuesdays, and Wednesday - Waiting on Wednesday, I will now have Monday - Book Review/Teasers and Wednesday - Hook Me.

It also looks like I might occasionally have two book reviews on Monday. I've overbooked, so to speak, and I want to get reviews out there in time for the books to come out.

What's "Hook Me"?

Hook Me posts will be my impressions on a book's sample pages. I will have the first line of the book and last line read. Then, I'll give my short impressions, and then whether or not I would keep reading (Yes, No, or Maybe). I have a massive to-read list, and I thought this would give me a chance to weed out my to-read list a bit. I'm getting the samples from Amazon, since it is easy to send a sample to my Kindle Fire HD.

Also, you may notice that I give a lot of five bookworms. It's because I genuinely enjoy most books I read. I know I don't have to explain my ratings, but I thought I would.

Five Bookworms: I loved the book. The characters and story kept me coming back when I set the book down, or I didn't want to set the book down at all and neglected things I needed to do in order to keep reading. Sometimes the characters and plot keep me thinking about them even after I finish the book. I usually read five bookworm books fast, but it's not always the case (sometimes I only catch 15 minutes here and there to read). If I can't wait to get back to the book, then it'll be a five bookworm book.

Four Bookworms: I really liked the book. I wanted to keep reading the book, but when I put it down, sometimes I thought about it and other times I didn't. The plot and characters are intriguing, but perhaps there are a few things I thought felt off about them. Perhaps I skim a little here and there, especially if there are lengthy passages of description. In the end, I'm glad I read the book, but I didn't love it as much as a five bookworm book.

Three Bookworms: I liked the book. Some parts of the book may be slow. I tend to struggle to read some of these or skim large sections of the book to get the gist of what's happening, so I can get to the good parts. Perhaps I didn't relate to a main character as much as I would have liked or thought the book could've been better. When I'm not reading the book, I'm not anxious to get back to it. Sometimes a book just isn't as well-written, although I've given three stars to a well-written book that just didn't resonate with me as the reader.

Two and one bookworms, you'll never see on here. Why? I've made it a point to not finish reading a two or one bookworm book, and I don't review books I haven't finished (i.e. Hook Me posts are not really real reviews, since I'm just tasting the book). There are too many good books out there for me to waste time on something I'm not enjoying.

How do you rate your books? Are you cutting back on blogging a bit after A-Z?